Saturday, May 1, 2010


I thought that it might be nice to have a place to post ideas, assignments, reactions etc. where anybody in the group can see and comment.
Of course, it is unofficial, non-committal, and completely voluntary.
It should replace the work with the "buddies".
Actually, I have no idea how it will develop.

I sort of envision a place like a "blackboard" in other on-line classroom settings. But in my experience, most people use blackboards in a most perfunctory manner. Since it is a class requiremnet to repsond to a certain amount of classmate's posting each week, each class participant responds, but often without a lot of thought. I would hope that people will respond to postings here with more thought and concern for each other. Especially since empathy and understanding is the single most important characteristic for a coach. On the other hand, I would hope that there is an extra measure of honesty that can be expressed here. Even bordering on bluntness. This is possible if we realize that we are here only to help each other grow and succeed.

I have never blogged before. However, this is a group blog, so I suppose that this will not actually give any experience at blogging. I'll save that for another venture.

1 comment:

  1. A Very important typo:

    This is not, I repeat NOT, supposed to replace the work with the buddies. It should only be a place to have another level of interaction that some people might feel comfortable. Work with buddies, as I understand it, is personal and therefore can achieve goals that other formats cannot achieve.

    Thanks Sandy (my buddy) for pointing that out promptly. That just proves the point that buddies are irreplaceable.
